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Al-Shifa Hospital at its worst situation after Israel Army raided Gaza (Nov.11, 2023)

Terror stroked among locals after Israel raided Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

Around a week back, Israel army entered the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, which they described as a targeted operation against Hamas. According to the eye-witness present during the moment Israeli forces entered the Al-Shifa Hospital, they started interrogating the people present at the Hospital and asked the people to empty the Hospital. The locals also said that the raid of the army brought terror and death to the thousands of people that got stuck in the Hospital. The Israeli army acted in a violent manner and displaced the patients that were taking treatment inside the hospital.

Sources: Satellite image (Maxar Technologies) taken Nov. 7; OpenStreetMap; Israel Defense Forces
Sources: Satellite image (Maxar Technologies) taken Nov. 7; OpenStreetMap; Israel Defense Forces

The News Media agency ‘Al Jazeera’ talked to the various eyewitnesses. One of the eyewitness and an emergency room employee at Al-Shifa Hospital ‘Omar Zaqout’ said that the Israeli forces brutally assaulted the refugees inside the Al-Shifa Hospital.

While many Western funded News Media channels are showing that the Israeli forces did not harm any of the individual at Al-Shifa hospital, the reality is quite the opposite.

The eye-witnesses had said the different things than what is actually being told by the western media propagating fake News about Islam and Muslims.

Omar Zakout, the eye witness further added that the gunshots were clearly heard by the locals living around the Al-Shifa Hospital. The patients there were filled with terror and about 180 dead bodies were deteriorating when the News officials interviewd him.

Not even limited to this, the Israeli Army after continuous Gunshots and bombardments brought their tanks within the Hospital the very next day, as said by the Hospital’s surgeon ‘Ahmed El Mokhallalati’.

Hamas Operational Centre found inside Al-Shifa Hospital according to Israel’s Defense Forces

According to the Israel’s Defense Forces, they got the Information from the intelligence about the presence of Hamas fighters at the Hospital and the running Operational Center. For them, the main aim of the raid was to capture the Hamas fighters who were running an operational center inside the Mosque. The Israel Defense Forces are claiming that they had found the Operational Centre running from inside the Mosque and killed a number of Hamas fighters. However, those people whom Israeli army killed were just the normal civilians.

The Israeli Defense forces are showing the fake videos of finding the weaponry and other ammunition inside the Hospital’s complex. No news media agency has verified the reality of the video yet.

The Real face of Israel Defense Forces

Image issued by medical staff of Al-Shifa HospitalSource: Reuters
Image issued by medical staff of Al-Shifa Hospital
Source: Reuters

Attacking the Hospital is against a Humanitarian Law and during the war time, Hospitals have the special protection. The two armies facing each other cannot attack the Hospital during the war-times. However, the true face of Israel’s defense forces have been revealed to the whole world, and the western funded media propagating Islamophobia must also soon show this reality to the whole world. It seems like the International Laws only applies to the Muslims across the world, while the people against Islam could mend the International Law according to their requirement and desire at any time they want.

The Patients, Doctors and other staff were stuck inside the Al-Shifa Hospital. They had nothing to eat and nothing to share among them. The Hospital didn’t have any supply of Power and Oxygen. The communication channels were totally dysfunctional and a lot of surgeries were done without proper anesthesia, with patients screaming in pain, according to Dr. Mokhallalati.

Now, the Question comes here, where is the UNO and other group of International Organizations formed to help the poor and helpless people during wartime situations?

The answer to this Question is simple. The International Laws does not apply to Israel.  Its main supporter America along with other supporters are there to shape the situation in the favor of Israel, as majority of the media acts as a puppet in their hands.

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